.. _configuration: Configuration ============= Hereunder an example of configuration for this bundle. .. code:: yaml eu_login_api_authentication: client_id: foo client_secret: bar environment: acceptance This bundle uses `EU Login`_ to authenticate the incoming requests. In order to authenticate, you need to be able to create valid tokens through your frontend application. Sometimes, the frontend application is not ready and you still need to be able to authenticate. Basically, you need to generate and authenticate tokens without relying on `EU Login`_. In order to do that, follow the following steps: 1. Edit the content of your application ``services.yaml`` and add: .. code-block:: yaml when@dev: services: EcPhp\EuLoginApiAuthenticationBundle\Service\LocalEuLoginApiCredentials: decorates: 'eu_login_api_authentication.service' arguments: ['@.inner'] 2. This will replace the `EU Login`_ authentication mechanism by another one which does not require any connection to `EU Login`_. .. warning:: Be extremely careful to not enable that for production environment. 3. Read the `official Symfony documentation`_ if you want to enable this only for a particular `environment`_. .. _environment: https://symfony.com/doc/current/configuration.html#configuration-environments .. _official Symfony documentation: https://symfony.com/doc/current/configuration.html .. _EU Login: https://ecas.ec.europa.eu/cas/